33955 S Old Black Canyon Highway Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
1 (623) 374-5282

Websites of interest

 Agriculture - Farming - Ranching

Arizona Farm Bureau on Water https://www.azfb.org/Public-Policy/Issues/Water

Agua Fria Watershed

The Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership - Four focus areas for study and clarification: Water Quantity, Water Budget, Water Quality & Water Rights. Email the Chair, Mary Hoadley, [email protected] for more information

Drought Monitor for Arizona - https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/CurrentMap/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?AZ.  This Drought Monitor (USDM) map shows the location and intensity of drought in Arizona. The data is updated each Tuesday and released on Thursday.

Riparian Restoration at the Riverbend of the Agua Fria River  - https://sway.office.com/xG0NkCBGCGd0Ka5s

Arizona Rivers and Watersheds

Map of AZ rivers - https://geology.com/lakes-rivers-water/arizona.shtml

Nature Conservancy – Center for Science and Public Policy - http://azconservation.org/projects/water

National Parks Service – Arizona Rivers - https://www.nps.gov/subjects/rivers/arizona.htm

US Environmental Protection Report 2008 – https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-03/documents/ephemeral_streams_report_final_508-kepner.pdf

Video Documentary - The Colorado River levels explained- The Bureau of Reclamation's Marlon Duke explains the importance of Lake Powell and how it holds Colorado River water to use in times of drought. Snowpack provides the majority of water to the river.

Article on benefits of ephemeral streams to communities and birds, and makes a case for protecting them. http://bit.ly/Audubon_Ephemeral_Streams  

Explore Arizona State University's interactive map and water data hub. The Kyl Center for Water Policy at ASU's Morrison Institute for Public Policy has collected dozens of publicly available data sets about water and put them all in one place with the Arizona Water Blueprint.  https://azwaterblueprint.asu.edu/

This article summarizes the 3 webinars of the Groundwater in Rural Arizona, a webinar series which featured panels, presentations, and conversations on groundwater management throughout the state and the West. It also includes the links to each session. https://www.audubon.org/news/bringing-issue-declining-groundwater-surface

Citizen Science / Community Science

Arizona River Watch - https://azdeq.gov/programs/azww - Offering Arizonan residents and visitors ages 10 through retirement the opportunity to help ADEQ monitor the health of our waters and inform measures to protect it for future generations.

Circle of Blue - https://www.circleofblue.org/ - Circle of Blue meets the demand for information and collaboration in the challenge of the century: water. Circle of Blue unites classic journalism, data literacy and transformative connectivity. Its visionary work across the Great Lakes, U.S., China, Australia, Mexico, India and the Middle East earned the Rockefeller Centennial Innovation Award, one of the nation’s top honors.

Educational Resources

Groundwater Glossary provided by Arizona Department of Water Resources- https://www.azwater.gov/news/articles/2023-11-05 

Water – Use it Wisely - https://wateruseitwisely.com/jump-in/#tab-5

University of Arizona sites

Southwest Climate Outlook - https://www.climas.arizona.edu/swco.  Working with partners across the Southwest to develop sustainable answers to regional climate challenges.

Arroyo- Arizona water issue annual publication - https://wrrc.arizona.edu/publications/arroyo 

March 2019 Issue - Community-Based Solutions To Local Water Challenges In Arizona

Desert Flows Methodology Guidebook. https://wrrc.arizona.edu/publications/guide-books/desert-flows-methodology-guidebook. Determining and Establishing Water Flows for Riparian Ecosystems in the Deserts of the U.S. and Mexico

Project Wet - 33 Ways to Conserve Water - https://www.projectwet.org/sites/default/files/content/documents/conservewater_edc.pdf

US Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service - https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/national/plantsanimals/fishwildlife/?cid=nrcs143_022390

Water Conservation

Water Sense - https://www.epa.gov/watersense

The town with approach to water - https://www.citylab.com/environment/2019/04/westminster-colorado-water-conservation-urban-planning-gis/587500/

What Else to Know - Miscellaneous Articles

A Splash of River Water Now Reveals the DNA of All Its Creatures. https://e360.yale.edu/features/edna-rivers-fish-bull-trout-forest-service

Value of water  https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/big-issues-what-is-water-worth

Obed Wild and Scenic River Becomes an IDA International Dark Sky Park - https://www.citylab.com/environment/2019/04/westminster-colorado-water-conservation-urban-planning-gis/587500/

Celebrate National Groundwater Awareness Week For Your Health - A NEEF informational web site -  https://www.neefusa.org/nature/water/celebrate-national-groundwater-awareness-week-your-health

Drugwatch; a free web resource committed to ensuring the safety of families and providing vital health information. As you may know, pesticides can pose risks to both humans and animals. This is comprehensive guide that provides information and resources about Roundup, and its potential health effects. Additionally, we have created a guide that offers organic, homemade, and agricultural alternatives to mitigate these risks.