33955 S Old Black Canyon Highway Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
1 (623) 374-5282

What Habits Help

What you do makes a difference!

Every person who lives in our watershed has an impact.

Conserve water every day. Examples:

  • Turn off water while brushing your teeth.
  • Turn off water while shaving.
  • Take shorter showers; use the runoff water from laundry or sinks (grey water) for your garden
  • Shut off your sprinkler system when it's raining or xeriscape so you don’t need sprinkler
  • Turn off water when shampooing your hair.

Leave No Trace

The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics protects the outdoors by teaching and inspiring people to enjoy it responsibly.   9 out of 10 people in the outdoors are uninformed about their impacts.

Leave No Trace provides research, education and initiatives so every person who ventures outside can protect and enjoy our world responsibly.

7 Principles

      1. Plan ahead and prepare.
      2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces.
      3. Dispose of waste properly.
      4. Leave what you find.
      5. Minimize campfire impacts (be careful with fire).
      6. Respect wildlife.
      7. Be considerate of other visitors.

Copyright: The Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. To reprint the Leave No Trace Seven Principles, include copyright language and please do not alter them without review from the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics.